I switched to delivering my digital images on flash drives a few years back. They’re prettier than DVD’s and more reliable; two things that are important to me and my business. Naturally, I tried out a few and found something that worked for me. Wood was the obvious choice to represent my brand, and I carried on happily with my monochrome logo on square drives. Fast forward to a couple weeks ago, and I get a message from Jeff over at USB Memory Direct. He wants to know if I would consider trying out their product. Intriguing, and I’ve been hearing good things about the company. Ok, I’ll give it a whirl. Then he tells me I can customize my sample (yay!) to get the full experience.

Enter the oval-shaped walnut drive with my full color logo. I played with them, loaded some up and mailed them out. They’re perfect for my brand, and they work well! If you’d like to order some for your business, click here.

Customized Wooden Flash DriveCustomized Wooden Flash Drive


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